You want to lose weight, stop smoking or be less stressed, you can consult an acupuncturist! This ancestral Chinese medicine is on the rise in France, practitioners' offices are always full and their field of action is increasingly broad.
Psychoemotional, & Neurological Depression, anxiety, insomnia, headache, migraine, trigeminal neuralgia, intercostals neuralgia, post-stroke paralysis, dizziness, tinnitus In addition, acupuncture has been used for centuries throughout Asia to treat hundreds of other problems.
1. Do I have to believe in it for results?
It is not necessary to believe in acupuncture for better results. The proof lies on the effectiveness of the treatments on children and animals.
2. Does the treatment effect last?
The effects of acupuncture treatments are long lasting. However, one must complete the whole series of treatments to consolidate the healing and achieve lasting results.
3. How many treatment sessions are necessary?
The number of sessions varies with the nature and age of the problem as well as the patient’s health. In severe cases, close sessions are necessary. For chronic illnesses, treatments are less frequent, and are provided until the patient’s health stabilizes.
4. Is there a risk of transmission of diseases?
The needles are made of stainless steel, they are fine and full. No substance is injected in the body. Acupuncturists use sterile single use needles. Does health insurance pay for the cost of treatment? Treatments are not paid by the Regie de l’assurance-maladie du Quebec. However, a growing number of insurance companies reimburse part or all the cost of the treatment. Contact your insurance broker, and insist that he adds acupuncture treatments to your insurance policy.
Acupuncture helps restore health without using chemical substances and without side effects. It is a medical science based on both prevention and healing. It regulates the functions for digestion, elimination and oxygenation of tissues. It enhances the body’s resistance to stress and increases the efficiency of the immune system. It is a science that will be increasingly used because of the balance it provides.
Preciously, the Corporation professionnelle des medicines du Quebec ruled over the practice of acupuncture. Since July 1995, the Ordre des acupuncteurs du Quebec has taken on that responsibility.